Instituto de Neuroartes

I founded the Instituto de Neuroartes in New York in 2003.
During many years art, perception, mental health were my main topics of interest: in my studies, my research, my conversations with friends, musicians, artists, physicians, philosophers, (neuro)scientists. I wanted to reflect on human perception, to explore ways to relate art and mental health for individual and collective wellbeing. Over the years and as a natural result of my conversations, I knited a transdisciplinary network of profesional in three continents; we shared our reflexions with the purpose to act locally by taking into account our cultural differences and similarities. This international network of artists, philosophers, physicists, neuroscientists, physicians, biologists, psychologists does contribute to the practical and theoretical framework of our proposals. As a post-materialist initiative Neuroartes implies the formulation of new ideas on human perception, imagination, education, knowledge and its purpose, wisdom and individual and collective wellbeing. The Instituto was born as a natural extension of this active network: it does invite to a dialogue with the purpose of putting into practice our reflexions
and proposals.
We suggest a series of reflexions on how to understand the human mind and consciousness based on neuroscience, quantum mechanics and the several Buddhist traditions. It is necessary to open a dialogue between various traditions of thinking.
We propose a pluralist epistemology in order to design transdisciplinary guidelines to develop social programs to promote mental health. We work on human and spiritual development.
Luc Delannoy
Founder and director
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Although academic rigour is important in some contexts, the doors of the Institute are open to people who are distinguished by their life experiences more than by their university degrees, to people who have the ability to transmit their life experiences through different artistic expressions such as music, painting, sculpture, dance, literature, film, digital arts.
We seek to articulate knowledge through the arts and not to accumulate more knowledge in a strictly academic way. We fight against the reification of the human being, against a mechanistic vision of life that comes from the classical paradigm. We collaborate with academics who have an open vision of academia, with academics who do not refuse to open their fields of research to people who do not come from academia.
Edmond Wright. Poet. Philosopher. In memoriam.
Michael B. Mensky. Physicist. In memoriam.
Luc Delannoy. Writer. Philosopher.
Cileni Pasten. Visual artist.
Carina Rico. Physiotherapy.
Paola Montelongo. Dancer.
Sara Hernández. Visual artist. Therapeutic techniques.
Ania Solska. Poet.
Pablo Mondragon. Musician.
Emilce Jacobchuk. Teacher. Musician.
Araceli Hidalgo. Artist.
Richard Loebell. Philosopher. Writer.
Fernando Huesca. Philosopher.
Iván Méndez González. Poet. Teacher.
Heriberto Zorilla. Visual artist.
Helena Distefano. Visual artist.
Daiana Méndez. Visual artist.
Bernard Legros. Writer. Musician.
Javier Díaz. Actor.
David Edelman. Neuroscientist.
Benjamin Ortiz. Architect.
Claudia Lavista. Choreographer.
Omar Carrum. Choreographer.
Soledad Galdames. Sociologist.
Amilcar Borges de Barros. Teacher. Choreographer.
Natalia Syrotynska. Musician. Teacher.
Viktor Karpov. Teacher.
Daiana Méndez. Visual Artist.
Jésica Cruz. Docente.
Daniel Carreño, docente.
Our main partners:
Universidad de Valparaiso, Facultad de Medicina, Valparaiso, Chile.
Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.
Hospital de Salud Mental, Valparaiso, Chile.
Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Santiago, Chili
Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría Ramón de la Fuente, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Ciudad de México, Mexico
Consejo Nacional de las Artes, Monterrey, Mexico
Universidad Católica de Ucrania, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Lviv, Ukraine.
Academia Nacional de Música, Lviv, Ukraine.
Instituto de Investigaciones en Arte Moderno, Kyiv, Ukraine.
European Networking on Independent Living, Brussels, Belgium.
European Quantum Flagship, United Kingdom.
Quanten Technologen, Germany.